The Proto-Consciousness Field

Is our Universe conscious? And if so, what does that mean for existence itself? Let’s begin exploring this…

Dr. Brian Sovryn
3 min readAug 14, 2023
Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

What is the fundamental fabric of the universe made of? Modern physics points to invisible fields as the underlying basis of reality. But could an even deeper strata of reality exist as a universal field of proto-consciousness that gives rise to space, time and matter?

Theoretical physicists, philosophers, and mystics have proposed the notion of a conscious observer-independent reality that serves as the ground of being. This primordial substrate permeates all existence and may resolve some of science’s biggest mysteries. Let’s examine the concept of a universal proto-consciousness field and its profound implications.

The Hard Problem of Consciousness

Before exploring the potential of consciousness fields, we must grapple with the question of how consciousness itself arises from physical matter. This is the intractable “hard problem of consciousness” elucidated by philosopher David Chalmers.

Neuroscience has made great strides mapping neural correlates of consciousness, but cannot explain subjective first-person experience. If all organisms are just complex material machines, how does the phenomenal experience of awareness emerge? This mystery has led many thinkers to posit consciousness as a fundamental building block of reality.

Panpsychism and Universal Consciousness

Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is an intrinsic property that exists in some form across all matter. It does not imply that rocks are thinking in the same way as humans, but rather that a basic proto-consciousness field may underpin even the simplest forms of matter.

In the panpsychist view, conscious experience is baked into the universe, not an accidental byproduct of complex brains. British philosopher Galen Strawson argues panpsychism is the only view that does not deny the reality of the phenomenon of consciousness itself.

Some panpsychists speculate consciousness percolates up from quantum processes we do not understand. Roger Penrose hypothesizes that proto-consciousness resides in the quantum wavefunctions that collapse upon observation. Others propose information or integrated information as the intrinsic nature underlying existence.

A universal consciousness field connects all beings. Individual minds are localized expressions, not isolated streams, in this unified field. Much like a wave is a localized expression arising from the ocean. Death may be simply a return to this infinite proto-consciousness of the cosmos.

Implications of a Conscious Universe

The notion of a universal proto-consciousness field has profound implications that could reshape our scientific and spiritual worldviews:

  • It solves the hard problem of consciousness by positioning awareness as an intrinsic and fundamental property of the universe rather than an accidental byproduct of matter.
  • Establishes connection between all beings as localized expressions arising from the unified field of cosmic consciousness. This resonates with ancient Vedic philosophies of oneness.
  • Suggests death may be a transitioning of individual consciousness back into the infinite field of proto-consciousness.
  • Opens possibilities of mind-over-matter influence, psi phenomena, and transcendent states more feasible since matter arises within consciousness.
  • Reality may have inherent purpose oriented toward expanding consciousness if the ground of being is conscious. This contrasts with mechanical nihilistic worldviews.
  • Posits observation and measurement in quantum physics as interactions with consciousness fields. The observer collapse of the wavefunction takes on new meaning.
  • Raises questions on the extent to which this cosmic consciousness field can be accessed or influenced through spiritual practice, psychedelics, meditation, etc.
  • Creates openings for more holistic theories of consciousness encompassing mystical states, afterlife, psychic abilities that were previously ignored.
  • Fundamentally alters the scientific paradigm beyond reductionist, materialist, deterministic interpretations toward a reality that contains and is infused with consciousness.

The implications are deeply significant and warrant careful open-minded exploration. By rooting our understanding of reality and consciousness in first-person experiential phenomena — and the universe in general — we can expand frameworks of knowledge to encompass the full depth and breadth of existence.

The notion of a proto-consciousness field at the foundation of reality offers an expanded scientific — and arguably mystical/spiritual — paradigm that may help unravel age-old mysteries about the fundamental nature of existence and our role within it. By transcending outdated mechanical models, we open new frontiers of understanding consciousness, subjective experience and the cosmos.

This article originally appeared in the “Spirituality” section of the Sovryn Technica Newsletter, Issue 27.



Dr. Brian Sovryn

Renegade air conditioning specialist. Podcast host (#sovryntech), author, historian, gamer, and kabbalist.